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Articles and News on Poker

Omaha Tips for Texas Hold'em Players - If you have been paying close attention to the world of high stakes tournament poker in recent months, surely you have noted a phenomenon which is becoming harder and harder to ignore. Specifically, a broad swath of poker fanatics of both amateur and professional status is switching their attention away from no-limit holdem to the game of Omaha . ..... read more

The Beauty of Online Poker Tournaments -Tired of playing online poker games day in and day out? Why not try playing in online poker tournaments? Online poker tournaments are much more exciting and action-packed than individual table or ring games. ... read more

Online Poker Strategy - Even though online poker and live poker are supposed to be about the same game, it often looks like they're two entirely different card-games. There are differences in the natures of the two versions of Texas Holdem, that players simply cannot ignore and they need to adapt their strategy to cope with the situation or call it more